Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog post #8

This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

    These two videos were extremely informative about what the world of higher learning has to offer for the future.  I found Richard Miller's expounding words about how now learning is carried out through word processors, and how many students now carry their laptops around with them wherever they may go as most definitely telling the truth.  Learning is now at the fingers of a desktop, and research books are now at the fingers of the clicking on a web.
     This video also put great emphasis on how the world is now moving vastly toward a equalizing stage of sharing knowledge across the web.  Part 2 of the video expressed comments on the new kind of materials that student's writings are experiencing.  Mr. Miller stated how he had downloaded a lecture to his students and it only took 3 months and over 9,000 views had gone to his lecture site and went into blogging.  He also said on this kind of lecture normally it would have taken at least 2 years to come out.
     I find this style of learning and researching as far from the normalcy style of learning when students had to actually go into a library and pull out Dewey Decimal cards to do their research.  Personally, I find researching the web, and blogging as great way to learn. I agree with Richard Miller that learning is now using more creativity and students are now using the web itself to present the affect of the global world. 
     Part 2 video also expressed how learning is moving more into an inspiring pedagogies way of shared learning. This video spoke on how science and humanity is now a shared way of learning.  Mr. Miller finalized his video by reinforcing how important it is for us to remember to continue to dream and share the fundamental documents on what we have to offer.  He ended by stating how this "Humanity belongs to no one"!  I totally agree that technology is still at the surface on what is truly in stored in the future of learning.

Carly Pugh's Post

      I truly enjoyed reading Carly Pugh's blog post #12. Carly's assignment calls for someone to understand how to communicate through texting, auditory, visual, and oral components which is somewhat very similar to what Miller talked about in his videos. It would be really awesome to put such music together and make a video which shows my way of teaching my philosophy, benchmarks, goals, and contributions, in order to add it to a portfolio for future review by any given potential employers. Since the world is moving to a very strong emphasis of multimedia writing, I believe portfolios should do the same. I also believe my students should use this kind of  assignment to create any given assignment.

The Chipper Series and Edm310 for Dummies

I would like to create or participate in creating a video that deals with the fascination of Multi-Media style of learning. I feel that students can learn more when researching through webbing and blogging.  My video would showcase a variety of success stories of students learning through a more broaden style of learning through professional educators throughout the world.  This way, multi-media would continually help students to not limit their learning to just one library book or one school book.  I feel multi-media learning is truly the best way to learn for the future.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

   After viewing the different videos "Learn to change, Change to learn" I have to agree with the arguments that the professional educators made.  I agree that the twenty first century learners are on a whole new higher level of learning.  I agree that education today is much more stimulated and students are learning more technology then ever.  Now students are about to reflect, retract, and retreat from learning online from some of the best quality of teachers.
     I also agree with the video when it stated how this kind of transformation of learning must be carried out through the teachers first then by the students. Teachers must embrace global learning then their students can most definitely embrace global learning. I feel that education should never be limited to just one teacher's point of view on an interpretation of a given topic, but learning should be global to the world's interpretation of learning.  The mind truly is a terrible thing to waist so why limit its way of learning.

Justin Cometti's Scavenger Hunt

2. Comic Strip


  1. Dear Kimberly,
    I agree with you- the mind is truly a terrible thing to waste. We, as future teachers, need to embrace global learning, be willing to learn new technology, and open to increasing our multi media usage. We must be willing to learn and increase new opportunities to teach so our students can learn and be successful on their own-most importantly-be willing to learn on their own. I enjoyed your blog post and agreed with most of your views. You should keep an eye out on your grammar though.
    Kameron Strickland

  2. Hey Kimberly. My name is Alexandria Thompson and I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I agree with you on how teachers should embrace the way technology is expanding and how they should incorporate it in the classrooms. The mind is a terrible thing to waste and there is so much out there to learn. As future teachers we should be open minded to everything especially to make our students great. Keep up the good work.

  3. " It would be really awesome to put such music together and make a video which shows my way of teaching my philosophy, benchmarks, goals, and contributions, in order to add it to a portfolio for future review by any given potential employers." You could do a group version in project 16 or uou could do an iBook with each participant having a chapter of their own.
