Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blog Post #6
The Networked Student

    This video was talking about the 21st century student (Connectism). My reaction to this video can be summed up in three words: informative, educators, and research.
   This video was very informative about the 21st century students way of learning (Connectism). The video talked about how students had to network on the computer to find their own knowledge for any given course. I find this way of learning to be extremely exciting.
    This video also talked about the importance of why 21st century students still need a teacher to guide and instruct students through their knowledge by internet access and blogging. The video discussed how 21st century teachers are still needed for helping students by serving in the capacity as a learning architect, a model for the students, serving as a network sherpa, and serving as a change agent. The teachers also are utilized as the connecting learner facilitator and synthesizer. The video also stated how the 21st century teachers have hope for all of their students to learn how to leave their internet class with a mind to continue to navigate and maintain his/her website networking and continue to solve the problems of the 21st century. Now that statement touched my heart. I feel the same way Ms. Drexler feels about the 21st century teachers. Internet learning is not just convenient for the student and teacher, but it is a great way for a teacher to make learning a whole lot more fun for the student. I feel that technology is a very positive way for our student's today to learn.
   Finally, the video talked about research. The video focused on how the students have to utilize the internet services to research and blog. The teacher helps the student to separate good information from propaganda information from internet researching. I feel that the internet can increase a students knowledge on any given subject or topic. Also, that research has always been a great way of learning and increasing ones knowledge; whether it is by an encyclopedia or by a computer through internet. This video was defintitely an eye opener on how learning through the internet is now seen, and how successful it is becoming. I hope this way of learning continues to promote a positive learning environment. 
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment

My Personal Learning Network is still in its beginning stage. I try to learn as much as I can using a variety of assistance. This video showed a great way for students to learn how to utilize Networks such as Blogging, Skype, and Twitter. The girl in the video seems like she learned a lot during her science class. She expressed how her science class did not use any paper. I thought that was interesting. I also use the bookmaking bar because I feel this is a great way to keep up with your work along with any links to specific sites. I like the different sites that this video utilized. I feel that this is a great way of learning.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Project #10  Finding the Right Tool


The technology tool I chose to use is a state of Alabama website called, "Alabama Learning Exchange" or it is known as ALEX. This site has so many benefits to teachers and administrators. It provides teachers with course of study objectives and ready made lesson plans. This is a great tool for new teachers ensuring that the standards of the grade level are being taught and mastered. On the home page, you will find a variety of tools to use in the classroom. Some of these to mention are Podcast Treasury, Web Resources, and Professional learning experiences. I have really learned a lot by exploring this website. I have started creating a portfolio of information from this site that I know will help me in becoming a 21st century educator.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blog post #5

Krissy Venosdale's School

   I feel that she personally believe that a teacher truly should never stop learning. Krissy feel once the learning has stopped.  The teaching has stopped.  Also, from viewing Krissy Venosdale's School seem like Krissy is extremely creative in her horizons.  She does not limit her creativity to the minds of ordinary classrooms and schools. Her school focus on everyone!  Not just the way the school environment looks, but the way the students are learning and how the teachers are broaden their creativity's. She shows this throughout the schools for the teachers and the parking lot showcasing the signs. I am proud to see that these kind of schools exist.
      I do love the environment that she is giving to the students on the importance of neon learning and those individuals who just love creativity and in their environments.  Personally, to me this type of environment for students makes the students have and develop a strong desire for learning.  Children truly love things in 3D or things dispensing from the walls and ceilings. If I had to build a school I would focus on creativity also, but I would also implement into my school for everyone including teachers to have the most recent update of technology.  This world has pulled away from old standards and geared up for technology.  I would also focus on all my students in the school to learn Spanish fluently.  I feel that this is necessary so we can make students ready for accepting different cultures. Therefore, I probably will implement the Rosetta Stone Language Instrument into my school. When dealing with technology I will have large touchscreen computers in each classrooms.  This way, the teachers can use these as an incentive for their students. The students can have knowledge on  the latest technology.  I also would focus on my teachers planning more field trips associated with their subject matter.  This will help the students to experience a variety of ways of learning. I must have the students and the teachers to focus on more community out reach programs. This will build character among the students and the community.  Parental involvement is a must.  Therefore, I might would serve free dinner to students and parents once a quarter to help build parental environment.  Also, during Mardi Gras season I would have a parade at the school to continually to promote parental environment. I do realize that it truly does take a village to raise a family.
I am a blogger

   Well after reading Jennifer Chamber post it.  This did broaden my knowledge on their is a difference in blogging and a "Blogger".  Jennifer finally realize that blogging was something that you wanted to share to the world.  Not doing something for any particular assignment.  Bloggers usually post something that they want to willingly share as poems, videos, articles, and journals etc.  Bloggers are excited to share to the world their blog. 

Eric Whitacre's choir

    Now this video was extremely interesting to watch.  It kind of destroys the statement that a picture is worth a million words.  During this video Eric Whitacre was able to use technology on a entirely different level.  Now that was amazing on its own.  It was awesome how Mr. Eric was able to utilize technology and develop a choir from 12 different countries and combine them as one from utilizing this technology as if all of the choir members were in the same place.  Great Job! I just love technology it is creative an impeding all in one. The sound was even great!  Wow!  Now you cannot really believe what you are seeing these days. The positive side of this choir is how now one can make a video song with many people involved with the tracks, but not have to be their as one whole group.  This type of technology also help with uniting cultures across the lands and many miles apart.
Teaching in the twenty first century
  This presentation was interesting. This part of technology is what kind of scare me a tab.  I do realize that technology is great!  It kind of take away from the teachers thinking of their own creative ideas of mastery. It also broaden teaching to a entirely different level. When dealing with difficult science courses.  I still feel that teachers should focus on important skills to implement into their teaching strategies. 

Flipped Classroom

       Katie Gimbar's, Dr. Lodge McCammon's, and Ms. Munafo's you tube videos were extremely useful in explaining what flipping is. When "flipping" the teacher takes the lecture out of the classroom and sends it home and changes homework into classwork.  I think this is awesome! This allows the students to practice using computers, additional access to review lectures, and more time in the classroom with the teacher to go over questions. In this process the students are able to understand more information in the same amount of time that is allowed in class during the day.

Personally, I believe that this technique will be awesome to implement into my classroom and I plan to use it in the near future. I do want to extend the time I get to interact with the kids so that I can see who needs more help on each topic. Flipping my classroom is also a good way for parents to see what their children are doing in class and they could participate more in the learning process. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

C4T #1

Eva Buyuksimkesyan is a English teacher. She been teaching for 20 years. I would like to see the web conference, so I will be keeping up with Ms. Eva Buyuksimkesyan new posts.
Blog Post #4

     This assignment was informative in its very own way.  For instance, Landwitches used different examples of how to create a positive podcast.  For instance, the podcast that was shown within this assignment has them reading things that they might not would have read in many years.. We read "Dinosaurs Before Dark"  Personally, I do not care about reading about dinosaurs, but for a grade of course I would.  One can hear the fun and excitement in their voices.  Meanwhile, the students are shown  paying attention of the recording which shown the students are very much entertained and interested in what  was going on.  The students were also tuned into  the surrounding of the recordings as well.
     Personally, I feel that students should work collaborative when creating podcast.  This may give students a sense of individualizing creativity with togetherness. They can input their own spirit within their dramatic creativity.  Either way, they must become the person that they are trying to portray. 
Now, it is already a known fact that children work at different pace within their learning.  Therefore, when  children do work together within a group collaboratively this gives an up boost to any teacher's teaching moment or a subject matter more improvement.  Maybe some day it would be wise for me to try podcast when I become a teacher.  Podcast could possible be a great way for future teachers to utilize  to introduce a technology fulfillment  learning atmosphere.
Pod Casting with a First Grader
      This Pod Casting reminded me of something that I seen done at my workplace.  Pretty much similar to in-house-transitioning.  For instance, the performance of the second graders  made the first graders desire to create  their own creative podcast.  The togetherness of the groups made an impressive atmosphere for them to want to relate to the same experiences that they had experienced.  For instance, while recording , the first graders chilled and waited for their turn and was very much interested on what was going on with every one's else role.  Therefore, during time of learning the podcast most definitely gave all first grade students to have a chance to meditate on what is exactly being read to them.  When first graders are in the first grade "Listening skills and Comprehension"  is a gigantic deal for first graders.
     Personally, the information that was presented was outstanding to any student to view.  I feel that it would make anyone with good sense to become  overwhelmingly  excited to see young people (children) learning throughout their lives.  Possibly, it could help these children to become even more interactive throughout the world of living.   Oh well, when I think about it, I just might try to get pod cast implemented into my classroom some day.
Flat Stanley
First of all,  I just love the title and imaginary of "Flat Stanley"!  This truly gives the students a chance to not just learn their country's living styles, but other countries living styles also.  I know I did not have this privilege when I was growing up. I even tried to have a "Pen Pal" and that did not even work for me at all.  Flat Stanley is a great way to get children from across different lands to learn more about different cultures and life styles.  I personally feel this is "Wonderful"!    Furthermore, "Flat Stanley" is a way to enhance students involvement and understanding in geography, life styles, and ethnicity of the different people.  This project is most definitely imperative for any school aged child.
     Once again, this project is a grand idea for all students to implement into their lives especially for elementary aged children.  Technology already makes young children realize that "home" is very small compared to the rest of the world of living.  I really cannot wait to try this project in my classroom someday.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Blog Post #1


The population of India to the United States is what I chose to compare using the Wolfram Alpha data base. In India there are-1.21 billion, China-1.35 billion, and the United States- 309 million. The comparative searches for Wolfram Alpha are listed as followed. First, search  Annual births United States vs. India, United States-4.29 million and India-25.6 million. Second, Annual deaths United States vs. India, United States-2.5 million and India 7.37 million.
WolframAlpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers. This computational knowledge engine is used in all subject areas. It is not a search engine, like google. It provides you with factual information pertaining to your inquiry. As an educator, I think this would be a good resource, because of the explicit results in the information it gives you. For example; if you are trying to compare your school data with that of another State or country, Wolfram Alpha would provides you with that information and in graphs or calculations that fits the individuals needs based on the search.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

From watching the screen shot which was about two to three minutes long, personally I feel this could be a time when one could take some kind of break or chill pill to relax and come to the realization that about 5 million likes or dislikes, and even comments were probably made on Face book or U-tube.
When thinking back I can remember reading in educational journals about how social life styles are gaining more and more recognition throughout social media.  From earlier learning's and even in this class I can clearly see how the world is embracing and rushing into a world of technology for not only the future social media, but also future education. 
I know for instance, someone who may have lived 78 years ago would have figured that social media, and technology as a whole was unheard of.  Undoubtedly, they may even see education as a future degree planning with technology as a joke.  When in actuality, many future educators are becoming state holders in the education system from high school,  and extracurricular activities.  Who knows in the near future we may be embracing technology in working coal mines or priest confession rooms.  From dealing with the  technology movement which is not nearly getting ready to slow down any time soon,  I will strongly recommend any young married couple to rear up their children at an early age  on developing a strong sense of technology so they can be ready to embrace the inevitably changing world of technology.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog Assignment # 3

A. Peer Editing Video

 This video discussed in depth what a peer is.  A peer is someone your same age.  It discussed what editing is.  To edit is to make changes or suggestions.  Therefore, one can say that peer editing is the process of someone your own age helping you to change or revise your writings as an author.
     I also learned the three main steps for peer editing.  First, when being a peer editor peers are to remember to give compliments when beginning critiques. The peer helper is to be extremely positive throughout their editing.  The peer editor is suppose to remember how they would feel if someone was helping them with their writings. The peer editor is always suppose to remember how  their editing is to make the author's  writing better.  Second, making proper suggestions on their editing.  When dealing with suggestions, the editor is suppose to remember choice of words when editing, being detailed and thorough when critiquing, pay close attention to the organization of the sentence structure of the paper that they are editing.  Third, the editor must make sure to watch the way they utilize their corrections when editing their papers. At this time, the editor must make sure they focus on punctuations, grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
     Finally, one can easily understand the three main procedures when editing someones else work.  The editor should make sure they stay positive, be extremely specific about what they say to someone about that person's paper, and making sure they focus on just making corrections on the paper only.
B. Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes video...
     This video focused on the top 10 mistakes peers have to watch out for when dealing with peer editing.  The video discussed in depth thoroughly about mistakes that could occur during peer editing.
     The first mistake focused on Picky Patty.  When dealing with this mistake the editor must make sure that they were not too degrading to their peers, or giving to low of grades.  The second mistake was social problems.  Doing this time, the author would have a "whatever" attitude.  This is when the author has a no caring attitude. Third, being too social like Sammy.  This is when the author talks to everyone around them. Fourth mistake is the generalizing too much, unfortunately this is when the editor is not being specific on what is wrong to the author's work. Fifth mistake is when the editor is too mean to the author's paper.  Margret was extremely too rough on critiquing her author's paper.  She utilized words like dumb, stupid,  and other bad words as an editor. Sixth mistake is when the editor is too loud when grading the paper.  This process is suppose to be a confidential quiet time in the classroom. The seventh mistake was being too pushy.  The editor is never suppose to be too pushy when editing someones else work.  The eighth mistake during this video was when the author is off- task.  The author is suppose to make sure they stay focus and tuned in when their papers are being edited.  The ninth mistake is being too speedy.  The editor is never suppose to be too fast when critiquing someones else work.  During this time of the video, the editor must make sure they are not just running through editing, and they are usually unclear when talking to their peers.  The tenth mistake is self-righteous (taking corrections personal).  The author is never suppose to take an attitude when their papers are being critiqued.  Usually during this time,  the person take criticism as being personal as if someone is teasing them
Finally, one can easily understand the top 10 mistakes one can take when peer editing.  These mistakes can be seen as picky, social problems, a whatever attitude, too much generalizing, being mean, too loud, pushy, off-task, speedy, and someone taking editing too personal.

Assistive Technologies

Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired for the deaf and blind is definitely a very useful tool that will allow teachers to accommodate students with these disabilities. Although, Mobile County fortunate enough to have a school designated to assist these students to achieve maximum performance compared with that of their peers. The Mountbatten Technology can be a level of independence in the their classroom for Braille students and this can their digital connection in the classroom. This resource is a type of Braille Literacy and Braille writing. The Mountbatten Technology can translate Braille into print and print into Braille. This tool is essential for writing for blind students. If a teacher has a blind student in their classroom, this resource can be very useful to help accommodate students when it comes to a writing assignment. It accommodates users of all ages and can be very useful with learning Braille for the 1st time especially in Early Literacy.

IPAD Usage For the Blind and Teaching Mom What Her Deaf/Blind Child is Learning on the IPAD

The use of Technology is very prominent in the classroom. In this video, it shows how the IPAD can be used with people usually impaired. The IPAD device is programmed to speak back to the individual as the individual scrolls the IPAD to let them know what the person touches. The individual can tab any place on the IPAD and it opens the App for them. There is a touch typing mode device that allows the individual to type a document as the program reads the document back to them. The settings on the IPAD are controlled by different gestures based on the number of fingers and their placement.