Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog Assignment # 3

A. Peer Editing Video

 This video discussed in depth what a peer is.  A peer is someone your same age.  It discussed what editing is.  To edit is to make changes or suggestions.  Therefore, one can say that peer editing is the process of someone your own age helping you to change or revise your writings as an author.
     I also learned the three main steps for peer editing.  First, when being a peer editor peers are to remember to give compliments when beginning critiques. The peer helper is to be extremely positive throughout their editing.  The peer editor is suppose to remember how they would feel if someone was helping them with their writings. The peer editor is always suppose to remember how  their editing is to make the author's  writing better.  Second, making proper suggestions on their editing.  When dealing with suggestions, the editor is suppose to remember choice of words when editing, being detailed and thorough when critiquing, pay close attention to the organization of the sentence structure of the paper that they are editing.  Third, the editor must make sure to watch the way they utilize their corrections when editing their papers. At this time, the editor must make sure they focus on punctuations, grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
     Finally, one can easily understand the three main procedures when editing someones else work.  The editor should make sure they stay positive, be extremely specific about what they say to someone about that person's paper, and making sure they focus on just making corrections on the paper only.
B. Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes video...
     This video focused on the top 10 mistakes peers have to watch out for when dealing with peer editing.  The video discussed in depth thoroughly about mistakes that could occur during peer editing.
     The first mistake focused on Picky Patty.  When dealing with this mistake the editor must make sure that they were not too degrading to their peers, or giving to low of grades.  The second mistake was social problems.  Doing this time, the author would have a "whatever" attitude.  This is when the author has a no caring attitude. Third, being too social like Sammy.  This is when the author talks to everyone around them. Fourth mistake is the generalizing too much, unfortunately this is when the editor is not being specific on what is wrong to the author's work. Fifth mistake is when the editor is too mean to the author's paper.  Margret was extremely too rough on critiquing her author's paper.  She utilized words like dumb, stupid,  and other bad words as an editor. Sixth mistake is when the editor is too loud when grading the paper.  This process is suppose to be a confidential quiet time in the classroom. The seventh mistake was being too pushy.  The editor is never suppose to be too pushy when editing someones else work.  The eighth mistake during this video was when the author is off- task.  The author is suppose to make sure they stay focus and tuned in when their papers are being edited.  The ninth mistake is being too speedy.  The editor is never suppose to be too fast when critiquing someones else work.  During this time of the video, the editor must make sure they are not just running through editing, and they are usually unclear when talking to their peers.  The tenth mistake is self-righteous (taking corrections personal).  The author is never suppose to take an attitude when their papers are being critiqued.  Usually during this time,  the person take criticism as being personal as if someone is teasing them
Finally, one can easily understand the top 10 mistakes one can take when peer editing.  These mistakes can be seen as picky, social problems, a whatever attitude, too much generalizing, being mean, too loud, pushy, off-task, speedy, and someone taking editing too personal.

Assistive Technologies

Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired for the deaf and blind is definitely a very useful tool that will allow teachers to accommodate students with these disabilities. Although, Mobile County fortunate enough to have a school designated to assist these students to achieve maximum performance compared with that of their peers. The Mountbatten Technology can be a level of independence in the their classroom for Braille students and this can their digital connection in the classroom. This resource is a type of Braille Literacy and Braille writing. The Mountbatten Technology can translate Braille into print and print into Braille. This tool is essential for writing for blind students. If a teacher has a blind student in their classroom, this resource can be very useful to help accommodate students when it comes to a writing assignment. It accommodates users of all ages and can be very useful with learning Braille for the 1st time especially in Early Literacy.

IPAD Usage For the Blind and Teaching Mom What Her Deaf/Blind Child is Learning on the IPAD

The use of Technology is very prominent in the classroom. In this video, it shows how the IPAD can be used with people usually impaired. The IPAD device is programmed to speak back to the individual as the individual scrolls the IPAD to let them know what the person touches. The individual can tab any place on the IPAD and it opens the App for them. There is a touch typing mode device that allows the individual to type a document as the program reads the document back to them. The settings on the IPAD are controlled by different gestures based on the number of fingers and their placement.


1 comment:

  1. "...the editor is suppose to remember..." supposed not suppose Same issue later: "The author is suppose to make..." Seethis this web page discussing Suppose or Supposed.

    "...when editing someones else work...." some one else's work, someones else work. It would be even better to use this instead: ...when editing the work of others.

    "Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired for the deaf and blind is definitely a very useful tool..." the subject is plural (technologies) so the verb must be plural (are, not is) and tools must also be plural since it refers to technologies.

    "...County fortunate..." you need is after County

    You barely got through (or maybe you didn't) part 2 of the assignment and you did not do Part 3 at all.
